請假條:請病假(別人代寫)-Asking for Sick Leave Written by Someone Else

請假條:請病假(別人代寫)-Asking for Sick Leave Written by Someone Else

請假條:請病假(別人代寫)-Asking for Sick Leave Written by Someone Else

Asking for Sick Leave Written by Someone Else
December 8, 1999
Dear Miss Zhou,
Please excuse Ma Yuan's absence from school this morning. She coughed a lot and had a high fever last night and could not fall asleep until midnight. I felt it would not have been fair to the other children to allow her to attend classes. So I am writing this to ask you for two days' sick leave and let her resume her study if she feels better the day after tomorrow.
Yours respectfully,
Li Hua
resume [ri'zju:m] v. 重新開始;再繼續(xù)